People & Profiles

  • Milestones

    Battle tested

    Yale’s new VP for communications is a former war correspondent.

    Mar/Apr 2016
  • features

    The stranger

    Two Tony awards and a dazzling Broadway career haven’t erased Michael Cerveris’s lifelong feeling of being an outsider. But it might just be what makes him a great actor.

    Jan/Feb 2016
  • features

    “It can’t just be the righteous few.”

    Cornell Brooks ’90JD, the NAACP’s new leader, wants to build a movement.

    Nov/Dec 2015 | Ico comments 18 comments
  • Where They Are Now

    Trans pioneer and eye surgeon

    Rénee Richards ’55 made national headlines for becoming a woman—forty years before Caitlyn Jenner.

    Nov/Dec 2015
  • features

    It’s not just the germs

    Veteran AIDS activist Gregg Gonsalves wants to change the way you think about illness.

    Sep/Oct 2015 | Ico comments 5 comments
  • Julie Brown

    Where They Are Now

    Life and money management

    Money manager Scott Bessent ’84 on failure, choosing a major, and how finance is like journalism.

    Sep/Oct 2015