Waikoloa Vacation Rentals–Condo and house rentals at Waikoloa Beach Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii. www.waikoloavacationrentals.com.
Former Senior White House official (our private client), adventurer, avid runner, lover of the outdoors, is seeking to “reclaim” her personal life after four remarkable years seeing our nation in the Capital. A Harvard Law grad, articulate, attractive, she is open to a smart, confident, and kind gentleman 48–62 who finds joy in endless conversation, interested in travel, who has a twinkle in his eye and a love of learning. You are obviously accomplished, financially secure, an optimist, and ready to meet someone very special. All inquiries confidential. Sandy@therighttimeconsultants.com or private cell 917-301-1689.
LV Criminal Defense- Dedicated criminal lawyers. 400 S 7th Street #401, Las Vegas, NV 89101, 702-623-6362. www.lvcriminaldefense.com.