March/April 2015 - DNP program receives accreditation
- Faculty appointed to endowed chairs
- Grant helps replicate YSN curriculum
January/February 2015 - Alumna confirmed to VA post
- Professor honored by alma mater
- Connecticut nurses honor YSN faculty
September/October 2014 - Kudos for YSN community members
- Scholarship grant renewed
- Documentary features YSN alumna
July/August 2014 - Nurse researchers honor professor YSN and Yale Child Study Center professor
- YSN mentors neighboring school
- Symposium concludes YSN’s 90th anniversary year
May/June 2014 - Fellowship will focus on chronic disease management in schools
- Four from YSN chosen for nursing research hall of fame
March/April 2014 - YSN professor leads national nurse practitioner group
- YSN alumna advocates for stronger primary care system
January/February 2014 - Medical library digitizes YSN archives
- Nursing alumna receives Yale Medal
- YSN receives scholarship grant
November/December 2013 - A new building and a 90th anniversary
- Alumna nominated for federal post
- New global health concentration
September/October 2013 - Midwifery professor appointed executive deputy dean
- Nursing educators honor professor
- New YSN facility opens October 4
July/August 2013 - “Team Intelligence” subject of 2013 Bellos Lecture
- A memorial for a former dean
- Dean honored by Diabetes Association
May/June 2013 - YSN mourns passing of former dean
- Associate dean appointed to named professorship
- Dedication of new YSN campus is October 4
March/April 2013 - Renovations begin at YSN’s new home
- Professor honored by Seton Hall University
- Professor attends White House meeting
January/February 2013 - Grant will support sleep studies
- Connecticut nurses honor professor
- Community health advocate named distinguished alumna
November/December 2012 - Students begin DNP program
- Grant will fund diabetes research
- Alumna receives national award
July/August 2012 - YSN will move to West Campus
- YSN professor gets honorary degree
- Professor to lead national organization
May/June 2012 - AHRQ publishes YSN students’ ideas
- Professor authors nursing textbook
- Heart study examines why some delay medical help
March/April 2012 - Professor studies child exploitation
- Helping teens cope with diabetes
- Nursing journal honors textbook
January/February 2012 - Award for pediatric nurse practitioner
- YSN professor receives double honors
- Nurse-journalist is Poynter Fellow
November/December 2011 - YSN to offer new doctorate
- Heart Association honors professor
- Connecticut nurses recognize YSN faculty
September/October 2011 - YSN Professor Recognized by Nursing Academy
- Nightingale Awards for Two Professors
- First Textbook on Sleep Disorders
July/August 2011 - Professor receives psycho-oncology’s highest recognition
- Bellos Lecture on informatics
- Creative Writing Awards inspire
May/June 2011 - Alumnus researching pediatric trauma care in Malawi
- Critical-care nurses honor professor
- Congresswoman supports NIH funding
March/April 2011 - Professor’s child safety report leads to increased funding
- Professor named editor-in-chief of cardiovascular journal
- Director of development focuses on financial aid
January/February 2011 - YSN PhD program ranked in top five nationally
- Diers named nursing “Living Legend”
- Research group to address diversity in HIV/AIDS research
November/December 2010 - Study tests drug treatment of hyperactivity in autism
- Research will investigate disparities in breast cancer
- GEPN students volunteer time to help veterans
September/October 2010 - Health videos feature casts from local high schools
- Yale-Howard Scholars program celebrates tenth year
- Delivering diabetes prevention close to home
July/August 2010 - Nightingale Awards honor YSN faculty
- Visiting professor presents findings in gastrointestinal health
- YSN professor receives Elm-Ivy Award
May/June 2010 - Article by YSN professor among top research stories
- Student retraces her steps to freedom
- Congresswoman calls on nurses as advocates