Balkinization blog celebrates fifth anniversary
Balkinization, a legal blog founded and maintained by
Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment Jack Balkin,
celebrated its fifth anniversary earlier this year. Unlike other blogs that
provide entertaining commentary and gossip, Balkinization offers academic views
about law and politics. It began as a solo effort by Professor Balkin and soon
became a group blog "with a group of writers," said Balkin, "who
I think are second to none in the legal blogosphere" -- including several
YLS alums and faculty. Since it went online in 2003, the site has enjoyed
tremendous success, racking up more than 3 million visitors and 4.5 million
page views. To read Balkinization, visit
Panel discussion launches new law and media program
An award-winning panel of experts in journalism,
noted for having broken such stories as the Mark Foley/congressional page
scandal and the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, appeared in April at the
inaugural event of the Law School's new Law and Media Program. "Covering
Scandals: Investigative Reporters, Their Lawyers, and the Process of Breaking
Controversial News," which took place on April 1, examined the process of
investigating, editing, vetting, and reporting high-profile stories. The
panelists -- Brian Ross, chief investigative correspondent for ABC News; John
Zucker, senior vice president of law and regulation for ABC News; Jeff Leen,
investigations editor at the Washington Post; and Eric Lieberman, vice president
and general counsel at the Washington Post -- discussed the intersection of law
and journalism, ethical and legal obligations, and the roles attorneys and
reporters play in reporting controversial news. The Yale Law School Law and
Media Program was created in 2007 as the result of a $2.5 million grant from
the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The program offers opportunities
for students, journalists, and scholars to interact through classes, writing
workshops, internships, and events that explore the intersection of law and
Environmental law scholar joins Yale Law School
An environmental law scholar, whom Dean Harold Hongju
Koh calls "the most exciting new voice in domestic and international
environmental law," has joined the Yale Law School faculty as a professor
of law. Douglas Kysar, who was a visiting professor at Yale in 2005, comes to
YLS from UCLA School of Law, where he taught torts as a visiting professor. He
was a member of the faculty at Cornell's law school since 2001. Kysar's
scholarship focuses mainly on the areas of environmental law and products
liability, combining conventional legal economic analysis with ideas from other
disciplines, such as cognitive and social psychology, moral and political
philosophy, ecology, and anthropology. Prior to teaching, Kysar practiced with
Foley, Hoag, & Eliot in Boston. He earned his JD from Harvard in 1998 and a
BA from Indiana University in 1995. He is the author of several books,
including the forthcoming Environmental Policy and Law, written with Hillhouse Professor
of Environmental Law and Policy Daniel Esty ’86JD.