Carbon offsets make international travel "carbon
In keeping with Yale's intention to become the "greenest"
university, a group of MBA students organized a voluntary program to allow
students and faculty trip leaders to purchase carbon offsets for the greenhouse
gas emissions resulting from their international travel. The student organizers
calculated that SOM's required International Experience resulted in over three
million miles traveled, and the release of over two million pounds of
greenhouse gases.
By purchasing the offsets, students hoped to
counterbalance their travel-related emissions by funding carbon abatement
projects. The bulk offsets were purchased from five providers, and will finance
carbon abatement activities such as renewable energy development, energy
conservation initiatives, tree-planting, and large-scale reforestation
activities in South Africa, India, Costa Rica, and the United States. Through
the collective purchases made by students, TAs, faculty, alumni, and several
anonymous donors, the International Experience became "carbon neutral," and the
SOM community became more familiar with climate change and carbon markets.
2007 Global Social Enterprise class and trip focuses
on Brazil
This semester's course on "Managing Social
Enterprises in Developing Countries" focuses on businesses and NGOs in Brazil.
Led by Garry D. Brewer ’70PhD, the Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser Professor of
Resource Policy and Management, and assistant professor of economics M. Keith
Chen, the course aims to provide students with an overview of management
techniques that can be used to help socially focused organizations in
developing countries achieve sustainable growth.
As part of this course, students work in project
teams to provide pro bono consulting services to enterprises based in Brazil,
including a company that manufactures and sells equipment to recycle air
conditioning and commercial refrigerants, a children's cardiac clinic, and an
environmental organization focusing on sustainable development. The student
teams plan to spend their spring break in March on client site visits. These
consulting engagements will culminate in a presentation of deliverables to the
client executives in Brazil, as well as a presentation on each consulting
engagement to SOM faculty and students.
SOM launches ". . . on Management" lecture series
The school inaugurated a new lecture series in
January designed to provide members of the SOM community with the opportunity
to hear firsthand from executives, innovators, policymakers, and thought
leaders from many fields of endeavor, speaking on topics devoted to the
management challenges at the intersection of business and society. Among the
early ". . . on Management" speakers were Martha Finn Brooks ’81, ’86MBA, the
COO of Novelis, Inc., who talked about the challenges of a global start-up; and
John Hueston ’91JD, a co-lead prosecutor of the Enron trial, who spoke on
the corporate governance lessons to be learned from that company's collapse.
The ". . . on Management" series is designed to complement the school's popular
"Leaders Forum," which brings to campus corporate CEOs and other top leaders in
the private, public, and nonprofit sectors.