March/April 2010 - Researcher honored for work in innate immunity
- Images help scientists think outside the box
- Expert on severe mental illness is new director of mental health center
January/February 2010 - Yale scientists reveal how the body mobilizes to fight infection
- Symposium celebrates interdisciplinary science
- Professor honored for her influence on women’s health research
November/December 2009 - Stimulus funding supports research
- Using math to beat the flu
- MD/PhD scholarships get boost from program director
September/October 2009 - Yale to host gambling research center
- Researchers use photography to study gun violence
- Scientists collaborate in study of HIV among drug users in Malaysia
July/August 2009 - Yale neuroscientist to receive VA's highest scientific honor
- Reconnecting with downtown
- Ten years of looking at art
May/June 2009 - Yale alumnus will head Yale Cancer Center
- Road rage linked to cardiac arrests
- A piece in the Alzheimer's puzzle is identified
March/April 2009 - Major reform of premed education under way
- Researchers zero in on a natural way to fight obesity
- Large grants support study of AIDS, drug addiction, and inmate recidivism
January/February 2009 - Genetics researcher recognized for trailblazing work
- Autism researchers focus on how toddlers look at faces
- Nuclear medicine programs at Yale earn peer approval
November/December 2008 - Online course tackles weight biases in healthcare settings
- New research in autoimmune diseases
- New evidence that BPA in clear plastics impairs brain function
September/October 2008 - Learning to care when you can no longer cure
- Pioneering researcher in cell biology joins the Yale
- Understanding the mysteries of immunity
July/August 2008 - Med students ace "Match Day"
- Alternative medicine goes mainstream at Yale
- Yale's medical school gets more affordable
May/June 2008 - Cartoonist honored for mental illness advocacy
- A Yale test is highly accurate in detecting the
"silent killer"
- Yale lab engineers a virus that can kill deadly brain
March/April 2008 - The medical school as theatrical muse
- Epilepsy could become a preventable disease
- Breast-feeding raises the IQ in some infants, but not all
January/February 2008 - New cancer hospital named for alumnus
- Student-run clinic receives award
- Weighing the benefits against the risks
November/December 2007 - Help for children with
heart defects
- Seed money yields a
bumper crop of biotech companies
- The road less traveled
September/October 2007 - Transplant
program transformed
- The
clock is ticking on Lyme Disease
- Rested
doctors make for healthier patients
July/August 2007 - Insurance coverage leads to increased cancer
screening and diagnosis
- Nicotine dependence may be in the genes
- Soldiers in Iraq battle a new, more elusive enemy
May/June 2007 - Hands-on science program for local students
- Chinese herbal remedy works against kidney disease in mice
- Yale researchers cited for top breakthroughs
March/April 2007 - Immunobiology
gains department status
- Yale opens PET Center
- Molecule found to play a role in brain malformation
January/February 2007 - New disease genes found by Yale
- Weight-lifting risk unveiled
- Connecticut awards $7 million to
Yale stem cell investigators