Blog: Daily Snap

Bulldogs at the Big Dance

Congratulations to Yale men's basketball on their third NCAA tournament appearance in the last...


Introduction: solutions for a planet in peril

The features in this issue focus on efforts by Yale and Yale alumni to mitigate climate change.


Reforesting the Elm City

The Urban Resources Initiative is planting thousands of trees to make New Haven a cooler city.
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Clearing the air

Dean Takahashi is applying the lessons he learned at the Yale investment office to a new challenge: taking carbon out of the atmosphere.

In the magazine


What we could gain from weight-loss drugs
Making them more widely available could save 42,000 lives a year.
Wearables may offer clues to psychiatric diagnoses The Shrinking Red Spot View all Findings

Light & Verity

The Peabody ponders perception
An exhibit explores how our brains process the world around us.
Elis in the Trump administration Would-be witness View all Light & Verity

Where They Are Now

Lisa Sanders is on the case
The Yale doctor behind the New York Times "Diagnosis" column.
Culinary quest A Yalie's route to the NFL View all Where They Are Now