An architect’s rendering of the new terminal planned for Tweed–New Haven Airport.
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Take a moment to remember your last drive from Yale to LaGuardia Airport. Grinding your teeth yet?
Now imagine driving from Phelps Gate to the airport parking lot in 10 to 15 minutes. Yes, we’re talking about Tweed–New Haven Airport. And yes, its flights per day have been extremely limited, due to a short runway and to decades of resistance by neighbors who don’t enjoy airplanes roaring overhead. Currently, a daily American Airlines flight to Philadelphia is the single commercial service out of Tweed. But an agreement announced in May will mean a new, larger terminal—and, by 2023, a runway long enough that 737s can take off and land. Beginning this summer, there will also be service from a new carrier, Avelo, which hopes eventually to run eight flights a day out of Tweed. The $70 million expansion plan includes $5 million for soundproofing, wetlands protection, and traffic mitigation for the surrounding area.