
  • features

    Crib notes to the AYA

    Anyone who completed a semester at Yale is a member of the Association of Yale Alumni. If you’re not sure what it does, you’re not alone. Here’s a guide.

    May/Jun 2015 | Ico comments 3 comments
  • features

    By reason of insanity

    A Yale Law alumnus, once hospitalized for schizophrenia, sues the state that detained him.

    May/Jun 2015 | Ico comments 1 comment
  • Where They Are Now

    Designer, Type A

    An alumna tells how she became the villain on a reality TV show.

    Jan/Feb 2015
  • Light & Verity

    People people

    Four tech giants have Yalies in charge of HR.

    Jan/Feb 2015
  • Where They Are Now

    A career in moonshine

    An alum opens New York City’s first whiskey distillery since 1920.

    Nov/Dec 2014
  • Light & Verity


    Yale lacrosse alums celebrate their role in the largest IPO in history.

    Nov/Dec 2014