
  • Julie Brown


    By hand

    Theater today thrives on the high-tech and large-scale. But in Hunter Spence's classes, students still learn small-scale artistry and old-fashioned cuss words.

    Jan/Feb 2009
  • Photo illustration: Mark Zurolo ’01MFA


    Harvard beats Yale 29–29

    The most heartbreaking football game in Yale history lives again, in an indie film.

    Nov/Dec 2008
  • features

    Press run

    The long and varied career of Yale University Press, from Dylan and de Kooning to a history of the hamburger.

    Nov/Dec 2008
  • Richard Barnes


    Love it? Hate it? Or both?

    An architecture critic revisits the building he despised as a student, and has a revelation.

    Nov/Dec 2008
  • Bob Handelman


    Love thy neighbor

    Ayatollahs, evangelicals, shaykhs, and rabbis meet at Yale to ask: can we all just get along?

    Sep/Oct 2008
  • Jake Wyman


    Today Cambridge, tomorrow the world

    If you've ever longed to humiliate your rivals and dominate your enemies, maybe even seize territory and rule supreme, then GoCrossCampus is the online game for you.

    Sep/Oct 2008