
In Remembrance: Dennis Rubini ’61 Died on March 23 2012

Dennis Rubini, 72, died on March 23, 2013. He taught history at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was an active member of the LGBT community at the university and in the city.

His obituary was published by the Philadelphia Gay News.

2 remembrances

  • Jeff Frazier
    Jeff Frazier, 9:02am October 22 2018 | Ico flag Flag as inappropriate

    Dennis Rubini was the most "radical Historian" I sat under in my undergraduate in History, at Temple University.

    He taught "Women in the Modern Age," a history of feminism in America, starting with the formation of the AMA just after the American Civil War.

    I squirmed in my seat as often my idyllic views of our gender economy where challenged.

    However, nearly 40-years after that class, there was little he taught that did not ring true.

  • David Thorstad
    David Thorstad, 3:23pm November 17 2018 | Ico flag Flag as inappropriate

    I just learned of Dennis's passing when I looked online thinking of calling or writing him for advice about Bali. What sad news! When I lived in Manhattan, Dennis would come by every time he was in town, usually with his foldup bicycle and a little pot. He was one of the best conversationalists I've known, in a kind of stream of consciousness from one topic to another. He once sponsored me to give a talk to his Temple class about the early homosexual rights movement He joined me on a visit to Minnesota in the early 1990s. I stayed at his Philly apartment. He was a radical gay activist and a good friend, and my day has been ruined learning of his passing

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