Student Life

  • Commencement

    Commencement 2012

    On the day Yale honored its graduates, we talked with a few—including one who got a standing ovation.

    We also dropped in on the Last Chance Dance.

    Jul/Aug 2012
  • features

    The highly unlikely opera company

    A full-scale opera sung mostly by undergrads—and reviewed in the New York Times? This is not your average student production.

    Jul/Aug 2012
  • features

    The class I’ll never forget

    If you had to name just one, what’s the Yale course that will always stay with you? Here’s what Angela Bassett, Alan Dershowitz, David McCullough, and others had to say.

    Jul/Aug 2012
  • Scene on Campus

    Hard-working idyll

    Yale's Summer School of Music.

    Jul/Aug 2012
  • Light & Verity

    Excuses, excuses

    Seeking absolution from lost library books.

    Jul/Aug 2012
  • Chart: Mark Zurolo ’01MFA. Source: Graduate School Registrar's Office.

    Light & Verity

    Doctoral data

    What PhD students are studying.

    May/Jun 2012