Those who frequented the Peabody Museum before its renovation will remember its Discovery Room for young children. The expanded Peabody has a larger... Read on
On view at the Peabody Museum: Mind/Matter: The Neuroscience of Perception, Attention, and Memory, the museum's first temporary exhibit since... Read on
A family of Pteranodons now greets visitors to the renovated Peabody Museum. The museum commissioned life-sized model skeletons of the winged... Read on
A new addition outside the Peabody Museum: a stack of stones installed in keeping with the Native American tradition of "memory piles," stones left... Read on
When the Peabody Museum was renovated and expanded, a lot of changes were made. (Read about them here.) But some things look just about the same... Read on
The waiting is finally over: after a four-year renovation and expansion, the Peabody Museum opened its doors yesterday, admitting two busloads of... Read on
Yesterday we showed you a scene from Tuesday's reopening of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. Here's a shot of the lecture hall in the original... Read on
125 years ago this month, we showed off the expansion plans for the Peabody Museum. The museum had completed the first stage of the building (at far... Read on
We’re sure this sign we saw outside the Peabody Museum is offering sound advice, but it seems a bit like telling children not to put beans in... Read on
The Peabody Museum renovation and expansion isn't scheduled for completion until 2024. But now that the construction fence along Whitney Avenue is... Read on
As a three-year renovation and expansion of the Peabody Museum begins, the torosaurus outside the museum has been fenced in. But frankly, we... Read on
Like most of the campus, the Peabody Museum has been closed to visitors since March. And it's going to stay that way for the next couple of years:... Read on
Since our office moved across campus, the Peabody Museum is now a splendid destination for a lunchtime walk. The spectacular mineral collection in... Read on