Happy Pride Month! In February 1984, the Yale Alumni Magazine published a simple half-page ad purchased by the relatively new group Yale Gay... Read on
Forty years ago, in our June 1984 issue, we reported on a visit to campus by actor Vincent Price ’33 for a Film Study Center retrospective of... Read on
This cover of our magazine is almost 100 years old, but the scene it depicts is much older: a photo of the Old Campus from 1864 that would have... Read on
There is a significant overlap between Yale alumni and crossword-puzzle aficionados, and apparently that's nothing new. In our January 16, 1925... Read on
This 1930s view of the Linonia and Brothers Reading Room in Sterling Memorial Library will be familiar to alumni. But most current students will get... Read on
On our June 1963 cover, we featured the Trumbull College Beer-Bike Race taking off on Elm Street. Teams of five cyclists competed in the relay; each... Read on
When we featured Commons on our cover in 1927, we reported reassuringly that "the dining hall is today a pronounced success, and is under the... Read on
On our April 10, 1942, cover, we featured the second unit of Naval aviators organized from among Yale students to fly in World War II. They carried... Read on
Once upon a time, there was a department store called the Yale Co-op. And there was no World Wide Web. So once a year, the Co-op put a catalog in... Read on
A hundred years ago this month, we featured a new venture of the Yale University Press: a series of films based on its Chronicles of America history... Read on
Twenty years ago, in our September/October 2003 issue, we pulled back the curtain on the ersatz Yale built on a Burbank soundstage for the TV show... Read on
Our August 1932 issue offered a roundup of the remarkable spate of new construction on campus. Here's Trumbull College under way. The residential... Read on
With the Class of 2027 arriving soon, we looked back to our October 1973 issue and found this shot of members of the Class of 1977 enjoying their... Read on
Twenty years ago this month, our Summer 2003 issue appeared with author Tom Wolfe ’57PhD on the cover. When we asked some famous alums to tell... Read on