Happy Pride Month! In February 1984, the Yale Alumni Magazine published a simple half-page ad purchased by the relatively new group Yale Gay... Read on
The Graves-Gilman House at 37 Hillhouse is currently being renovated to provide office and meeting space for the linguistics department, the... Read on
Mark Alden Branch ’86 | June 24 2024 06:40am | 2 comments
Forty years ago, in our June 1984 issue, we reported on a visit to campus by actor Vincent Price ’33 for a Film Study Center retrospective of... Read on
When alumni these days get a class baseball cap or t-shirt on arrival at their reunions, it's a vestige of what was once a parade of elaborate class... Read on
This cover of our magazine is almost 100 years old, but the scene it depicts is much older: a photo of the Old Campus from 1864 that would have... Read on
There is a significant overlap between Yale alumni and crossword-puzzle aficionados, and apparently that's nothing new. In our January 16, 1925... Read on
When the Linonia and Brothers Reading Room reopened last week, visitors noticed a new addition above the room's fireplace. It's a reproduction of... Read on
Yesterday we showed you a scene from Tuesday's reopening of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. Here's a shot of the lecture hall in the original... Read on
Dedicated in 1915, Yale's Civil War memorial makes no mention of slavery and honors equally Union and Confederate students, faculty, and alumni who... Read on
One hundred years ago, in 1924, the Sterling Hall of Medicine opened on Cedar Street, bringing the medical school into proximity with its teaching... Read on
On Friday, an exhibition about Yale's involvement with slavery opened at the New Haven Museum. Organized by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript... Read on
When the first picture was taken, around 1912, this path had no official name; students called it Grub Street since it led to Commons, where they... Read on
On our June 1963 cover, we featured the Trumbull College Beer-Bike Race taking off on Elm Street. Teams of five cyclists competed in the relay; each... Read on
We published this photo of two grand Greek Revival houses on York Square in 1929, not long before they were demolished to make room for Payne... Read on